• Events & news,  Writing workshops

    “Journaling for Health and Creativity” at Clawson’s Blair Memorial Library

    Research shows that journaling is good for your mental health — whether you’re keeping a gratitude list, recording daily events, sorting personal problems, or exploring creative ideas. In this one-night workshop, I’ll share the benefits of starting a journaling practice, borrowing ideas from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and Anna Quindlen’s new book, Write for Your Life. Bring your laptop or a notebook for a few class exercises. The workshop is offered May 4, 2022, at the Blair Memorial Library in Clawson, 6:30PM – 7:30PM. Seating is limited due to space and pandemic restrictions. Registration begins April 6. Please contact the Blair Memorial Library to reserve your place. This program is free to the public, but registration is…
