Cheap shots
“Tune out the cheap shots people take at you. Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.” ~Angel Chernoff These days, I limit the amount of time I listen to the evening news. Political rhetoric is nastier than ever. I’m tempted to turn away from the cringe-worthy and risk being uninformed — even though I know better. At the end of the day, what worries me most is the fact that nasty political rhetoric seems to have a ripple effect on the folks we encounter in our daily lives. It’s important to spot the difference between constructive…
It’s a wonderful gift
“I understand you right enough,” the stranger said slowly. “I just wanted to make sure you did. You had the greatest gift of all conferred upon you — the gift of life, of being a part of this world and taking part in it.” ~ From The Greatest Gift, by Philip Van Doren Stern, the story that inspired “It’s a Wonderful Life” One of my favorite Christmas films is the 1946 classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” in which George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) sacrifices his own big dreams in order to help his family and others in his community. In his darkest hour one Christmas Eve, George contemplates suicide, but a…
Get out of jail free
“Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?” ~Rumi, Sufi poet Sometimes we create our own obstacles. We might cling to old myths and stories, or make assumptions that aren’t based on fact. Or we might box ourselves into constrictive roles and categories — while doing the same to others. As Rumi reminds us, we have the power to move past the limits we’ve imagined. We can escape the prisons of our own making. How often do you trick yourself into thinking you don’t have the ability to achieve a particular goal? How often do you make false assumptions about yourself and others? How often…
A quiet winter walk
“If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.” ~Raymond Inmon Hippocrates believed that walking is the “best medicine,” and those of us who make it a daily habit know there’s some truth in his prescription. After adopting Coco, Doug and I started walking nearly every day, even in wintery weather. Coco loves nothing more than a long stroll outdoors, and for the past several years we’ve been motivated by her enthusiasm. Now in recovery after she was hit by a car, Coco is banned from her walks for another five weeks — so Doug and I have to…
The gift of quiet time
“There’s no such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day.” ~Alexander Woollcott The month of December includes several family birthdays and holiday events, so most days on our calendar are typically marked with things to do. But our dog Coco was hit by a car before Thanksgiving, so this season has been different. To ensure Coco’s recovery, we’ve had to cancel a few plans, stick close to home, and keep our outings short. It might seem anti-social (or boring) to some, but I love seeing blank spaces on my calendar. It’s not that I don’t look forward to gathering with family and friends. But I have to admit that…