Writing advice
Memoir Writing for Mental Health
“Each of us is a book waiting to be written, and that book, if written, results in a person explained.” ~Thomas M. Cirignano If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of writing a memoir, now is the ideal time to gather your journals, photos, and memories — and get started. Did you know that writing about your experiences can boost your mental health? I’ve always believed in the healing power of writing about our lives — and one of my missions is to encourage others to write their stories. To learn more, please look for my new feature story in the “Things to Do” section of today’s Oakland Press. To…
Funny Friday: Staying productive
“I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.” ~ Steven Wright Cindy La Ferle ______ For social media sharing options and expanded content, please visit the home page.
Revisiting “The Artist’s Way” workshop
“No matter what your age or life path, whether making art is your career or your hobby or your dream, it’s not too late or too egotistical or too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity.” ~ Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way Cindy La Ferle ______ For social media sharing buttons and more content, please visit the home page. Please share with your friends. C. La Ferle Please join me at the Royal Oak Public Library for “Rediscovering The Artist’s Way: A Two-Part Writing and Creativity Workshop.” Julia Cameron’s guide is now considered a classic — and its basic tools have become standard practice for writers and artists in a variety of genres.…
The Rochester Writers’ Conference
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Cindy La Ferle ______ There’s nothing like a day-long conference to recharge a writer’s creative batteries. On October 20, I’ll be joining a terrific group of Michigan authors, speakers, and educators at the 11th Annual Rochester Writers’ Conference at Oakland University, Rochester, MI. In my workshop, Freeing Your Personal Mythology, I’ll discuss how to identify and release the cultural and family stories that define your life and shape your viewpoints. If you’re looking for material for your memoir or new topics for personal essays, this workshop will help you get…
Women’s stories
“If she got really quiet and listened, new parts of her wanted to speak.” ~SARK, author and artist The book that inspired the workshop / Cindy La Ferle ______________ Please visit the home page for additional content and social media sharing options. Parts of this blog do not show on digital devices. Among the things that make me happy: helping other women find their voices and hearing their stories. That’s why I’m excited about my upcoming workshop, “Your Story, Your Power,” which is based on the book, Your Story Is Your Power: Free Your Feminine Voice, by Elle Luna and Susie Herrick. The free, one-night workshop will be held at the Royal Oak Public Library on…