Where I'm published

  • grandparenting,  Home & Family,  Oakland Press columns,  Where I'm published

    What’s your grandparenting style?

    “If I’d known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I’d have had them first.” ~Lois Wyse About three years ago, I was thrilled to add “Grandma” to my resume. But I couldn’t help but wonder: Had my childcare skills gotten rusty? What makes a good grandparent? I understood the fine line between hovering and supporting — and I wasn’t sure how to get it right. After doing a little research, I learned there are five key styles of grandparenting. That’s the topic of my new column in The Oakland Press. To read it online, please click here. Or you’ll find it here in the May issue of Vitality…

  • Grief and loss,  Oakland Press columns,  Where I'm published

    Goodbye to Mom’s house

    “No matter how far we’ve come, our parents are always in us.” ~ Brad Meltzer Even after we’ve grown up and moved on, the homes of our parents still hold many of our family memories and stories. If you’ve lost both of your parents, you know that the process of selling their last home — and the things they’ve accumulated — is one of the toughest parts of the grieving process. Yet it can be therapeutic, too. My latest column in The Sunday Oakland Press Homefront section addresses this bittersweet topic. You’ll find it in the Sunday print edition tomorrow (March 5) or you can read it online here. ~CL

  • Books change lives,  Metro Parent magazine,  Where I'm published,  Women's issues

    Women need a break

    “By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class.” ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea Universities across the country are gearing up for spring break — some as early as the first week of March. While I have no plans for a beach getaway next week, just reading the words “spring break” makes me want to sniff a bottle of coconut oil. Few people need a vacation more than caregivers and moms with young kids. In Metro Parent, I shared a memory of my visit to Captiva Island, where Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote her classic seaside…

  • Books change lives,  Christian Science Monitor,  Henry David Thoreau,  Where I'm published

    Revisiting Walden

    “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden Henry David Thoreau’s Walden tops my list of life-changing literature. It didn’t grab me the first time around. But after reading it a second time — when I was ready for it — I understood everything Thoreau was trying to tell me. Not only was I inspired to learn more about this eccentric man who revered nature and treasured solitude; I was also challenged to keep moving “in the direction of my dreams” — even when…

  • Oakland Press,  Where I'm published

    Catch up with me in The Oakland Press

    My columns and features appear in The Oakland Press and several other daily newspapers in the MediaNews Group. My columns run online and in print editions, and you’ll also find them in the OP’s Vitality magazine, a monthly supplement to The Oakland Press (available on the second Thursday of every month). You’ll find an archive of my previous Oakland Press columns and feature stories online here. Readers in Oakland County (Michigan) can find free print editions of Vitality at many local libraries and community centers, including the Meininger Community Center (Royal Oak) and the Blair Memorial Library and Hunter Community Center (both in Clawson).
