Events & news

  • Aging well,  Events & news,  Home & Family

    I’m on the radio tonight

    I never know which posts or column links will hit home when I hit “Publish.” So I’m always surprised and happy to hear from readers who follow this blog. Earlier this week, I received an email from radio personality Marie Osborne, who is guest-hosting the Mitch Album Show on WJR (AM 760 on the dial) with Steve Courtney. Marie read my recent Oakland Press column about family heirlooms and why millennials don’t want to inherit them. The topic resonated with her and she invited me to discuss the topic on her show. I’m honored to be asked — and looking forward to it. Tune in to WJR this evening at…

  • Events & news,  Garden tour,  Nature,  Photo stories

    Inspired gardening

    “A garden should make you feel you’ve entered privileged space — a place not just set apart but reverberant — and it seems to me that, to achieve this, the gardener must put some kind of twist on the existing landscape, turn its prose into something nearer poetry.” ~Michael Pollan, Second Nature: A Gardener’s Education Gardening is one of the healthiest ways to express our creativity. It’s a great way to absorb Vitamin D while plotting borders or containers of colorful blooms, plunging our hands in water and soil, and inhaling the deep-green aromas of rosemary, thyme, and basil. I owe my mother a bucket of gratitude for inspiring my passion…

  • Events & news,  Photo stories

    When in God’s name?

    “In addition to needed gun control reforms, America urgently needs a stronger protest movement dedicated to reducing the glorification of violence in our culture — in music, film, television, video games, and on the Internet.” ~Bernice King Tuesday was one of those gorgeous May afternoons, sunny and cloudless. After another trip to the plant store, I prepped my herb garden bed, trimmed a shrub, pulled a few weeds, and admired my handiwork. Then I started an upbeat post for this blog — a post about spending a perfect day in the garden. Hours later, however, I learned about the massacre at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, and realized that it…

  • Events & news,  Personal growth,  Photo stories

    How to save the world

    “This is the way we save the world: one peaceful word, one act of compassion, one long sweet nap, one burst of laughter at a time.” ~Martha Beck, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World Watching the news makes me feel hopeless — and helpless. Mass shootings (almost daily). The war in Ukraine. The pandemic. Political ugliness (daily). I long for a new age of unity, peace, civility, and dignity — a tall order that’s seemingly impossible to fill these days. But each of us can take small steps toward healing — starting in our own homes and communities. We could perform a random act of kindness or two. And…

  • Events & news,  Writing workshops

    “Journaling for Health and Creativity” at Clawson’s Blair Memorial Library

    Research shows that journaling is good for your mental health — whether you’re keeping a gratitude list, recording daily events, sorting personal problems, or exploring creative ideas. In this one-night workshop, I’ll share the benefits of starting a journaling practice, borrowing ideas from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and Anna Quindlen’s new book, Write for Your Life. Bring your laptop or a notebook for a few class exercises. The workshop is offered May 4, 2022, at the Blair Memorial Library in Clawson, 6:30PM – 7:30PM. Seating is limited due to space and pandemic restrictions. Registration begins April 6. Please contact the Blair Memorial Library to reserve your place. This program is free to the public, but registration is…
