the challenges of being original

  • Mary Oliver,  Personal growth,  Poetry,  the challenges of being original

    Following your inner compass: “The Journey”

    “And there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own.” — Mary Oliver The greatest gift of maturing is finding your own power and discovering who you are meant to be — not what others think you should be or want you to be. But the road to authenticity isn’t without obstacles. Mary Oliver’s “The Journey” gives us a new map. It’s one of my all-time favorite poems and has become a personal anthem. A great poem reminds us that the personal is universal, and this one brings shivers of recognition each time I read it aloud in my writing workshops. –CL THE JOURNEYBy Mary Oliver One…

  • social skills,  the challenges of being original

    Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes?

    “We are sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other. It is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is: each the other’s opposite and complement.” ~Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund In popular culture, we give lip service to the importance of honoring our differences and celebrating our uniqueness. It’s a noble theme in song lyrics, novels, speeches, and essays — but how’s that really working for us? Deep down, we want others to appreciate our own special attributes. We want to be respected for our opposing points of view. (We’re…

  • Featured,  Mary Oliver,  Poems to inspire,  the challenges of being original

    “Wild Geese”

    Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination.” — Mary Oliver Mary Oliver’s Wild Geese” touches a tender place in my soul, and I often share it with students in my workshops. It always sparks compelling personal stories and discussions after I read it aloud. As a child in Sunday school, I was terrified of disappointing the punitive, restrictive God portrayed in our leather-covered bibles. No matter how “good” I was, or how closely I followed the rules, I still felt judged and unworthy. Today, I follow my own moral compass, and I try not to allow the judgment of others to overshadow my…

  • Poetry,  Rumi quotes and poetry,  the challenges of being original

    Do it every day

    “Submit to a daily practice.Your loyalty to that is a ring on the door.Keep knocking, and the joy inside will eventually open a window,and look out to see who’s there.”~ from “The Essential Rumi” (Translations by Coleman Barks) Is there something you love doing so much that you’re willing to practice it every day? Whether you’re refining a craft or improving your athletic skills, the Sufi poet Rumi reminds you to keep working at it. For instance, all the professional writers I know collected dozens of rejection notices before they started getting their work published. No matter what, they kept on writing. So don’t get discouraged … If you love what…

  • Photo stories,  the challenges of being original

    Never settle for boring

    “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” ~Jim Rohn Even when I was a much younger woman with a fragile ego, I wasn’t impressed by the stuff my peers wanted to wear. In those days, designer logos, status scarves, and “it” handbags were just starting to gain popularity. (Remember The Official Preppy Handbook?) To me, they seemed boring and unoriginal, and rarely worth their extravagant price tags. I still wonder why anyone would want to be an unpaid, walking advertisement for someone else’s product. And why would anybody want to dress like someone else, unless a uniform is mandatory for…
