When it’s all too much
“If you feel too much, there’s still a place for you. If you feel too much, don’t go. If this world is too painful, stop and rest. It’s OK to stop and rest. If you need a break, it’s OK to say you need a break.” ~Jamie Tworkowski While I’m on a break, I invite you to explore the “Life Lines” site on your browser, which shows many additional features and articles that aren’t included in your email subscription. Meanwhile, I hope that you, too, will find ways to nourish your soul if you’re feeling “too much” and you need time off. ~CL UPDATE (2/25/25): Thank you for your encouraging…
The philosopher’s guide to managing stress
“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself. It is due to your estimate of it, and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” – Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius was the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an age remembered for peace and stability that lasted from 27 BC to 180 AD. Today, Marcus Aurelius is best known for his Meditations, a collection of writings on Stoic philosophy. His timeless wisdom has inspired monarchs, politicians, entrepreneurs, and ordinary people like me. Today’s quote from Meditations gives us a tool for handling stress. When a distressing event occurs,…
Look for the helpers
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” ~Fred Rogers As Mister Rogers reminded us, there’s always hope and healing wherever you find the helpers. Late last week, for instance, I had two minor emergencies (one more critical than the other) that sent me in search of medical help. Despite the stress of it all, I was amazed at how quickly two of my doctors were able to see me — almost immediately — when I called their offices for advice. I can’t begin to express…
Keep your light
This, my dear, is the greatest challengeto being alive.To witness injustice in the world and not allow it to consume our light.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh There’s no way around it but through it. Unless you’re in denial, it’s been a difficult week for everyone. The ongoing post-election analysis isn’t helping nearly half of our wounded country, nor is it mending the broken personal relationships that were damaged by years of nefarious, name-calling politics. As a good friend put it, “Things aren’t going to feel normal for a long time.” But we can’t let fear or despair “consume our light,” as today’s quote suggests. All week, I’ve been talking with loved…
Get out and vote!
“Every election is determined by the people who show up.” ~Larry Sabato, political scientist Tomorrow is a critical, history making Election Day. There’s a palpable sense of anxiety hovering like a thundercloud over everything. So much is at stake. These are stormy times, and ours is a volatile, divided nation. Political attack ads on TV are uglier than the back end of a baboon, and for that reason alone, some of us will be relieved when it’s over. That said, I’m always shocked and disappointed when I learn that many people haven’t voted yet — and don’t even plan to — including a couple of my relatives. Whether they’re uninformed,…