Personal growth

  • Personal growth,  Royal Oak Public Library,  Writing and creativity workshops

    “List Your Way to Self-Discovery” Workshop

    “Listmaking is the road from unknowing to knowing. No guru necessary. No therapist. No special diet. No need to suffer. Memories deep in your consciousness will emerge to fill in the blanks.” ~Ilene Segalove and Paul Bob Velick, List Your Self: Listmaking as the Way to Self-Discovery “LIST YOUR WAY TO SELF-DISCOVERY” October 5, 2022  7:00 PM – 8:30 PM at the Royal Oak Public Library – Friends Auditorium Everyone makes grocery lists and “to-do” lists. But did you know that other types of list-making can boost your mental health and improve life satisfaction? Personal lists can serve as tools to empower and understand yourself, help solve problems, and even…

  • Aging well,  Nature,  Personal growth


    “Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.” ~Angel Chernoff, Marc & Angel Hack Life Nature has a way of reminding us of who’s in control. Here in southeast Michigan, most of us can recall storms that left us without electricity for days. And in many other parts of the country, major storms have totally devastated the landscape and destroyed homes. Career changes, relationship conflicts, and health crises can also throw us off course or uproot our lives. But as today’s quote suggests, sometimes storms “clear the path” and change things for the better — even though we don’t realize it until we look…

  • Health & wellbeing,  Inspirational quotes,  Personal growth,  Photo stories

    The hero on your journey

    “It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” ~Joseph Campbell Mythologist Joseph Campbell believed that everyone’s life is a “Hero’s Journey.” Along the way, there are metaphorical dragons to face. We each encounter life-changing challenges or setbacks (sometimes other people) that stand in our way. And while we rarely realize it until later, our biggest challenges and darkest moments contain the greatest lessons. For starters, there was the time I had both hips replaced within five months, in my forties, after a crippling battle with osteoarthritis. Though my surgical recovery took a while, I learned a…

  • Health & wellbeing,  Inspirational quotes,  Motivation,  Personal growth

    Notes to yourself

    “Sit back and reflect, and you’ll see things differently. Don’t buy into someone’s dream when you have your own dreams to bring to fruition. Love who you are and what you can do.” ~Horoscope for Leo (21st Century Media), August 16 Are you following your own script … or someone else’s? Do you design your life around your own vision, or what the culture expects of you? I don’t usually quote daily horoscopes from the newspaper, but this one was worth revisiting. Sometimes the best plan of action is to “sit back and reflect” on what you’re trying to accomplish. Jot down a few notes while you’re at it. This…

  • Aging well,  Autumn,  Personal growth,  Writing and creativity workshops

    New fall writing workshops

    “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” ~Henry Ford I’m excited about several new workshops I’ll be teaching at two local libraries this fall. Each workshop will be announced on this blog as we get closer to the dates. Coming soon in November: A poetry appreciation workshop for people who think they don’t like poetry … Stay tuned for details!