
  • Art & Creativity,  Originality,  Personal growth

    Reflecting on art

    “When we look at art, we are looking for ourselves.” ~Leslie Riley I wasn’t entirely on board with today’s quote until I remembered a woman I knew who didn’t like to read novels or see films unless the plots revolved around people like her. She could only relate to characters in settings and situations similar to her own. I’ve always enjoyed paintings, films, and books that surprise and entertain me. And while I often find aspects of myself in some characters, I don’t necessarily hope to see myself reflected in what I’m viewing or reading. How about you? Do you want art and literature to mirror your own life and…

  • Originality,  Where I'm published

    How to be an original

    “Do your own thing. Let others own their own thing. If you copy too much, you’ll find yourself in late night cocktail lounge cover band limbo.” ~Kurt Cobain   Hasn’t it all been done before? Is there any such thing as a truly original idea? Contrary to the old maxim, imitation isn’t the highest form of flattery. It’s a creative cop out. My essay on the challenge of finding your own voice and style is featured this week on the National Society of Newspaper Columnists website. You can read it here.  Photo by Cindy La Ferle
