
  • approval seeking,  Originality,  Personal growth

    Whose life?

    “Whose life are you really living, yours or the one somebody prefers for you?” ~Vanita Oelschlager, Write with Me By the time we reach middle age, we’ve established our own preferences and routines. We’ve made some difficult choices; traveled a few paths. And we’d like to believe we’re original thinkers who’ve crafted our own opinions as well as our own unique style. In reality, each of us is a combination of influences — parents, siblings, partners, relatives, teachers, priests or preachers, peers, educational history, and popular culture. Which partly explains why we’re attracted to some things and repelled by others. Who and what are your strongest influences? Which ones inspire…

  • Fun stuff,  Originality,  Photo stories

    Getting silly

    “Do a loony-goony dance ‘Cross the kitchen floor, Put something silly in the world That ain’t been there before.” ~ Shel Silverstein, A Light in the Attic I love people who don’t take themselves too seriously. My father was the King of Silly, a man who taught me to appreciate the quirky and the ridiculous. He admired the inventor of the whoopee cushion as well as the writings of Dale Carnegie and the Greek philosophers. These days, when little else in the world makes sense — which happens too often lately — getting silly is my only recourse. Uncontrollable laughter is the best medicine. This might explain why I think the ginormous yellow dinosaur at…

  • Change and challenge,  Choices and decisions,  Originality

    Willing to stand out

    “You’ve got to be willing sometimes to stand alone. You’ve got to be willing to piss some people off. You’ve got to be willing to look different. Sound different. Be different. And those are risks that many of us are not willing to take.” ~Iyanla Vanzant Human beings are wired to belong. We want to feel accepted by our family. We gravitate toward friends who share our lifestyle, moral standards, and viewpoints. We all need a tribe. Paradoxically, each of us also has a different set of experiences and personal opinions. As we mature, we value authenticity — and individuality — in ourselves and others. Do you feel safe when…

  • approval seeking,  Originality,  Personal growth

    Deep thoughts, tough questions

    “To find yourself, think for yourself.” ~Socrates The simplest truths are rarely as simple as they seem. Today’s quote from the philosopher Socrates is a case in point. “Thinking for yourself” gets tricky when you’re under the influence of family and friends, popular culture, cable news, and social media. There’s always a cacophony of voices sharing different views on everything from business to fashion to politics. You can try to find the courage to go deeper. Then you have to ask yourself some tough questions: Am I following my own heart or trying to fit in? Am I rebelling against something or living authentically on my own terms? How and…

  • Creativity and discovery,  Originality,  Quotes about authenticity

    What’s your trademark?

    “We are all weird in some way….Most of the time it’s what makes us so incredible. So where’s your will to be weird? Where’s your resolution to be real? Celebrate your individuality and don’t be embarrassed by it. If you’re lucky enough to have something that makes you different from everybody else, don’t be ashamed and don’t hide it. Own it!” ~Marc Chernoff, Marc & Angel Hack Life Most people cringe at the thought of appearing “weird,” so I struggled to express my thoughts on today’s quote. But then I remembered the idea of having a “trademark” — which was a recent topic in a daybook we’re reading in my…
