Martha Beck
Fact finding
“The urge to find the real facts is destructive only to people or systems — friendships, family dynamics, political dynasties — that are based on lies. The truth can scare you half to death, but it’s never as destructive as deception.” ~Martha Beck, Finding Your Own North Star Vintage reference book / Cindy La Ferle For more content, or to share on social media, please visit the home page Special thanks to all who’ve emailed to tell me you’ve enjoyed or related to my quarantine journal essays, which document my personal experience and philosophical musings since the start of the pandemic lockdown in March. Some of you have asked where to find earlier quarantine…
Yuletide recipe
“A simple recipe for happiness: Never do more than you can do in peace.” ~Martha Beck Vintage cookbooks / Cindy La Ferle __________ For sharing options and more content, please visit the home page.
Steering toward peace
“Nothing important ever comes because you feel desperate to get it. Find peace first. Everything you need will meet you there.” ~Martha Beck Key West / Cindy La Ferle _____________ Please visit the home page for more content and social media sharing options.
Inner work
“If you want to make the world a better place in any way, you have to start by becoming whole yourself.” ~Martha Beck, Finding Your Own North Star Cindy La Ferle ___________ Social media share options available at the end of each post on the home page. Please share with your friends.
Finding the way
“You may think you’re utterly lost, but brush away the leaves, wait for the clouds to clear, and you’ll see your destiny shining as brightly as ever: the fixed point in the constantly changing constellations of your life.” ~Martha Beck, Finding Your Own North Star Cindy La Ferle ______ Please visit the home page for additional content, social media sharing options, or to subscribe for daily email updates from this blog.