Inspirational quotes

  • Inspirational quotes,  Personal growth,  Rest and leisure

    Take a breather

    “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” ~Etty Hillesum Are you the person who needs to be running 24/7 in order to feel valuable? Are you ever ashamed to admit you need a nap? Is your conversation typically peppered with references to how “busy” you are? Does silence make you uncomfortable? Rest is good for body and soul, and wonderful things happen when we allow ourselves to unwind. Our muscles recover, our stress levels drop. We’re more receptive to fresh ideas when we sit still, breathe deeply, and welcome the silence. When we’re relaxed, we’re also more fun to…

  • Aging well,  Health & wellbeing,  Inspirational quotes

    When things get crazy

    “The world is a puzzle. There’s no need to make sense out of it.” ~Socrates Sometimes it feels as if the whole world is falling apart. If old Socrates thought his life was a puzzle, I wonder what he’d think of our lives today? The best we can do, at times, is throw our hands in the air and surrender to the chaos — without adding any more to it. Sometimes we can’t save the world or even clean out the whole garage. As any good philosopher will tell you, there are situations beyond our immediate control. But we can always take care of our own little corner of the…

  • Autumn,  Inspirational quotes,  Poetry

    Nature’s magic show

    “Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.” ~Mary Oliver I rarely carry or use my cell phone when I’m walking a nature trail. So I’m continually baffled by all the people I see (and hear) who are focused on their phones instead of the beauty all around them. Some are gabbing so loudly that their voices drown out the music of the birds. American poet Mary Oliver is known for her sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world. Her reflective poems illuminate the everyday miracles we might overlook when we’re jogging through the woods or our suburban neighborhoods. As Oliver reminds us, there’s magic in nature…

  • Health & wellbeing,  Inspirational quotes

    Things are looking up

    Everyone I know has at least one ongoing problem or nagging issue that defies resolution, whether it’s chronic physical pain, a career crisis, or a social conflict that’s a chronic pain in the ass. It’s hard to make peace with something that you can’t make peace with, no matter how hard you try. Today’s quote is a perfect reminder to step back and enjoy the weekend without giving a thought to the annoyances and grievances that will be there on Monday. ~CL

  • Inspirational quotes,  Personal growth

    Your grass is green enough

    “Get busy taking care of your own grass, and you won’t notice whether it’s greener elsewhere.” ~Karon Waddell Whenever I’m fully engaged in my own life, I’m practically oblivious to what’s going on around me. Some psychologists refer to this state as being in the flow. Whatever it’s called, I’m happiest when I’m focusing on my own stuff — and free of competitive impulses. Jealousy and envy tend to sprout when we’ve lost confidence in our own abilities and gifts. That’s when we look over our shoulders to see what others have. That’s when we start comparing ourselves and feeling “less than” — even when we shouldn’t. The remedy? Be too…