Inspirational quotes
Star power
“The one thing all famous authors, world-class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.” ~Mike Dooley Photo by Cindy La Ferle
Finding clarity
“Purify your eyes, and see the pure world. Your life will fill with radiant forms.” ~Rumi Photo by Cindy La Ferle
“Packaged inside every mistake is a great lesson. And while I don’t want to take the mistake into the new year, I most certainly want to take the lesson that’s packaged inside it.” ~Craig D. Loundsbrough Photo by Cindy La Ferle
Gifts of love
“Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don’t quite know how to put our love into words.” ~Harlan Miller Cindy La Ferle Miss any posts this week? To view additional content and social media sharing options, please visit the home page.
Christmas score card
“The Christmas season is a time for keeping score. It’s an opportunity to take stock; to count how many greeting cards we’ve sent to brighten someone’s day — not how many we’ve received. Rather than tally the presents we’ve been given under the tree, we ought to consider how much we’ve done to benefit others, and how many gifts we’ve offered with thought and care.” ~Kathryn Willis Harwald Cindy La Ferle Miss any posts this week? To view additional content and social media sharing options, please visit the home page.