Irish DNA
“We Irish prefer embroideries to plain cloth. To the Irish, memory is a canvas—stretched, primed, and ready for painting on. We love the “story” part of the word “history,” and we love it trimmed out with color and drama, ribbons and bows. Listen to our tunes, observe a Celtic scroll; we always decorate our essence.” ~Frank Delaney I’ve always been a storyteller. And every year on St. Patrick’s Day, I can recall the lyrics to half a dozen old Irish folk tunes. Strangers in shops and restaurants often ask if I’m Irish. In fact, my mother told me that I have “a bit of Irish” in me — but I…
Farewell, 2024: Looking back at a tough year
“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” —William E. Vaughan, journalist and author Whenever a year comes to an end, it’s traditional to reflect on the events of the previous months. And what a wild ride this year has been. For starters, Doug’s 93-year-old mother had a stroke and was hospitalized in February, which led to more caregiving changes and challenges for her and our family. My mother-in-law is the last surviving parent we have. As our elders decline, we’re reminded to make the most of our own senior years while we find the resources and energy…
Merry Christmas to all
“We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” ~Joseph Campbell I’m wishing everyone moments of joy — and plenty of loving, supportive people to cherish and celebrate this season. Our future is full of question marks, but together we can weather what lies ahead. Here’s to peace in the world and peace within each of us in the coming year! ~CL
The gift of quiet time
“There’s no such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day.” ~Alexander Woollcott The month of December includes several family birthdays and holiday events, so most days on our calendar are typically marked with things to do. But our dog Coco was hit by a car before Thanksgiving, so this season has been different. To ensure Coco’s recovery, we’ve had to cancel a few plans, stick close to home, and keep our outings short. It might seem anti-social (or boring) to some, but I love seeing blank spaces on my calendar. It’s not that I don’t look forward to gathering with family and friends. But I have to admit that…
Help for the holidays and a little bah-humbug
“One of the most important ways to reduce stress is to ask for help. This works not only during the holidays, but also all year ’round.” – Dr. Daisy Sutherland Last week on NPR, there was a fascinating segment on the topic of why so many people secretly dread the Christmas season — even though it’s supposed to be a celebratory season of nonstop merriment. Rates of depression typically rise between Thanksgiving and December 31st, with many folks reporting feelings of sadness. For others, the holidays simply add another layer of stress. Some of us have trouble saying “no” when it comes to stuffing every moment in December with perpetual activity…