Some thoughts on holiday charity
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James Rushing into the grocery yesterday evening, I passed a bearded young man ringing a bell next to a red Salvation Army kettle. I was in a hurry to grab something I needed to make dinner, so I shouted my usual refrain, “I’ll donate on my way out!” I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t always make good on that promise — but this time I slowed down long enough to stuff a generous donation in the kettle on my way back to the parking lot. Earlier that day, Doug made our annual holiday donations to charities and…
Does our stuff make us happy?
“Very little is needed to make a happy life.” ~Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius was a Roman ruler and stoic philosopher who didn’t believe that owning lots of bright and shiny things led to satisfaction or contentment. Easy for him to say, right? While his ancient wisdom looks good in print, it’s not as easy to practice when you’re wandering the aisles of any department store during the winter holidays. Christmas in our country is tightly tied to buying stuff. Lots of stuff. After all, national economic success depends heavily on our holiday spending. Watch any Christmas commercial on TV, and you’ll see troops of gleeful actors opening stacks of wrapped…
Help for the holidays and a little bah-humbug
“One of the most important ways to reduce stress is to ask for help. This works not only during the holidays, but also all year ’round.” – Dr. Daisy Sutherland Last week on NPR, there was a fascinating segment on the topic of why so many people secretly dread the Christmas season — even though it’s supposed to be a celebratory season of nonstop merriment. Rates of depression typically rise between Thanksgiving and December 31st, with many folks reporting feelings of sadness. For others, the holidays simply add another layer of stress. Some of us have trouble saying “no” when it comes to stuffing every moment in December with perpetual activity…
How to manage holiday grief and loss
“The holiest of all holidays are those kept by ourselves in silence and apart; the secret anniversaries of the heart.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow If you’re grieving a loss, holiday festivities can feel especially painful and alienating. Last year I wrote a column on managing grief and loss during the holidays for The Sunday Oakland Press. For those who don’t subscribe to the newspaper and can’t open the article links, I’m reposting the column below. EMPTY CHAIRS AT CHRISTMAS, by Cindy La Ferle for The Oakland Press My mother died three months before Christmas eight years ago. Since my father had passed several years earlier, my first Christmas season without Mom…
“We were dreamers not so long ago. But one by one, we all had to grow up. When it seems the magic slipped away, We find it all again on Christmas day.” ~from “Believe” by Glen Ballard and Alan Silvestri Everything they say about seeing Christmas through a child’s eyes is true — but I’d nearly forgotten. Now that there’s a little boy in my life again, I’ve been rereading The Polar Express aloud at bedtime and rediscovering the magic of flying reindeer and jingling sleigh bells. Chris Van Allsberg’s award-winning picture book was published the year our son was born (1985) and was a holiday hit in our home…