Choices and decisions

  • Choices and decisions,  Politics

    Get out and vote!

    “Every election is determined by the people who show up.” ~Larry Sabato, political scientist Tomorrow is a critical, history making Election Day. There’s a palpable sense of anxiety hovering like a thundercloud over everything. So much is at stake. These are stormy times, and ours is a volatile, divided nation. Political attack ads on TV are uglier than the back end of a baboon, and for that reason alone, some of us will be relieved when it’s over. That said, I’m always shocked and disappointed when I learn that many people haven’t voted yet — and don’t even plan to — including a couple of my relatives. Whether they’re uninformed,…

  • Choices and decisions,  Food and nourishment,  Health & wellbeing

    Making choices

    “Remember that you have more control over your emotional and physical health than your frightened mind would have you believe. You choose what you eat, how frequently you move your body, how lovingly you speak to yourself, and what you will and will not allow into your eyes and ears. Be very, very picky.” ~Cheryl Richardson I always feel my best when I remember that I have the power to create the changes I want to see in myself. For instance, I can make healthy choices at the grocery store or when I’m eating in a restaurant. Nobody is forcing me to order beer and French fries. The same is…

  • Choices and decisions,  Journalism,  Politics,  The Washington Post

    Is freedom of the press at risk?

    “Free speech is not speech you agree with, uttered by someone you admire. It’s speech that you might find stupid, selfish, dangerous, uninformed or threatening, spoken and sponsored by someone you despise, fear or ridicule. Free speech can be unpopular, contentious and sometimes ugly. It reflects a tolerance for differences. If everyone agreed on all things, we wouldn’t need it.” – Robert J. Samuelson, The Washington Post, 2014 As an American and a professional journalist, I deeply value freedom of speech. I feel fortunate to live in a country in which we all have the right to express our opinions and beliefs on highway billboards and lawn signs as well as in…

  • Aging well,  Choices and decisions,  Health & wellbeing

    The freedom to decide

    At first glance, today’s quote got me thinking about democracy and why it’s imperative to vote in our elections. But then I thought about how “our ultimate freedom” extends far beyond politics. Every single day, our ultimate freedom is expressed in the way we use our talents and opinions; what we choose to eat or drink; how we dress or decorate; what we read; how we care for our health; how we treat others and how we allow others to treat us. Just for starters. Every day, we have the freedom to make countless life-enhancing decisions, including how we spend our time and with whom. Those of us who are…

  • Choices and decisions,  Civility and manners,  Friendship and relationship advice

    Point of view

    “If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view — until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” ~Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird Folks who lack empathy view everything solely from their own perspective, putting their own needs and desires first. They hear only what they want to hear. They don’t seem to care if their actions are hurtful or offensive. They believe their personal opinions and biases are the universal truth — and can’t understand why others are often at…
