Change and challenge
How to fix things
“Make every effort to change things you do not like. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution.” ~Maya Angelou Self-improvement involves effort as well as introspection. But when something is broken beyond repair, or a bad situation seems totally out of control, the best thing I can do is adjust my attitude. I can change how many calories I consume in a day, for instance, but I can’t change the weather report. Likewise, I can’t change the rude behavior of strangers, but I can make a bigger effort to practice courtesy and kindness wherever I go. I’ve wasted a…
Seek the life force
“There is a force within that gives you life. Seek that. Ignore those who make you fearful and sad.” ~Rumi Personal loss and challenges have lessons to teach us. We can’t rebuild what’s broken, mend our health, or recover from a crisis without believing that something better is entirely possible. It helps to have a support system — a cheering section — to support that belief. As the poet Rumi advises, people who make us fearful and sad won’t light the way. We must keep seeking “the force” that ignites our positive energy and brings us back to life. ~CL
Frugal February: Less is the new more
“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” ~ Epictetus, Stoic philosopher I spent part of last week purging my closets. Like many women I know, I own too much clothing. My latest pile of discards contained some nearly new, barely worn items — a fact that tugged on my conscience as I folded and packed it all into black garbage bags. The shame I felt for being so wasteful (and extravagant) was only partly erased by the knowledge that my unwanted clothes will be donated to a charity. I’m on a roll now. Having successfully completed the Dry January challenge, I want to keep clearing…
Mistakes and butt-covering
“You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them.” ~Marc Chernoff, Marc & Angel Hack Life At some point, we all mess up. Humans make spelling errors, burn the dinner, neglect to return phone calls, forget birthdays, and turn the wrong way on one-way streets. We miss deadlines and show up late for meetings. Sometimes we say or do something that hurts another person’s feelings. Nobody leaves this world flawless and error-free. Yet we all know a few folks who refuse to admit that they ever make mistakes. And then there are the ones who manage to screw up a good apology with a bold-faced…
“Goodbye to You”
“When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. That meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and bad habits — anything that kept me small. My judgment called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-respect.” ~Kim McMillen January is the month for making major changes. This year, for instance, I’m meeting the Dry January challenge and limiting sugar in my diet. Today’s quote speaks to that idea, reminding us that we need to leave behind anything that threatens to “keeps us small” as we try to move forward. As you work on your own goals, think about these questions: How do I spend my free time? What…