Aging well

  • Adventure and exploration,  Aging well,  Change and challenge

    Who’s in the driver’s seat?

    “I don’t want to be a passenger in my own life.” ~Diane Ackerman I love driving on the expressway, especially on beautiful summer days. When I’m heading north, for instance, I often recall my childhood vacations. My father always drove on those trips — Mom was always a passenger — and I had the back seat to myself. I loved watching the landscape change as we escaped the cities and suburbs. Metaphorically speaking, sometimes it’s nice to let go and let someone else do the driving. Sometimes we just want to sit back, roll down the windows, and enjoy the ride. And there’s nothing wrong with that — unless we’re…

  • Aging well,  Friendship and relationship advice

    No regrets

    “Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely.” ~Haruki Murakami  At dinner last night, a neighbor texted to tell me that the husband of a former neighbor had died suddenly. The man was only in his sixties, and his death was one of several losses in our neighborhood over the past year. We’re reminded, at times like these, to treat each other with care, sensitivity, and respect. And no matter how old we are, we can start by setting aside our pride (or grievances) and telling our loved ones how much they…

  • Aging well,  Change and challenge,  Personal growth

    Every age you’ve ever been

    One of the perks of my monthly “Aging with Grace” workshop is the sense of validation I get from the other women in the group. Through our discussions over the past couple of years, I’ve discovered that I’m not alone with my age-related fears, dreams, or aspirations. In a recent conversation, one of the women admitted that she still feels like the same person she was in her youth — which reminded me of today’s quote from author Madeleine L’Engle. Everyone quickly agreed that we each carry all the ages we’ve ever been inside us — even though our appearance has changed. Imagine what you’d say if you had an…

  • Aging well,  Change and challenge,  Motivation

    Making the most of our days

    “The realization that I may have only a few good years remaining has hit me with real force, and I have done a lot of thinking as a result… I try to figure out what I really want to do every day. I try to say to myself, ‘If this is one of the last days of my life, am I doing exactly what I want to be doing?’” ~Nora Ephron Today’s quote underscores an important conversation we started last night in my “Aging with Grace & Courage” group. We all agreed that we’re hyper-aware of the time we have left in our senior years — and we want to…

  • Aging well,  Change,  Personal growth

    Still looking through an old lens?

    “If you don’t allow yourself to learn and grow from the experience — from what was said, done, and felt — you will always look at your life through the same old lens.” ~Marc and Angel Chernoff, Marc & Angel Hack Life Sometimes we keep repeating the same mistakes while expecting different results. Or maybe we’re sinking so deeply in a rut that we can’t figure out why old patterns of behavior and outdated opinions or preferences aren’t working for us anymore. We like to think we’re “loyal” or consistent, but sometimes we’re just … stubborn. This can apply to everything from redecorating the kitchen to mending relationships. The older…