Adventure and exploration

  • Adventure and exploration,  Art & Creativity,  Creativity and discovery

    It’s OK to be wrong

    “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” ~Patti Digh, Creative Is a Verb Do critics and perfectionists test your patience? These are the control freaks who like to point out the crooked seams on your brand-new shirt, for example, or correct other people’s errors in casual conversation. Always right, they won’t consider an opposing viewpoint — even if it’s as clear as daylight. I’ll bet you know a few of them too — and would agree they’re not so much fun to be around. The fear of being wrong, or appearing wrong, is a buzzkill for just about everything. Today’s quote reminds us that…

  • Adventure and exploration,  Change and challenge,  Inspirational quotes,  Personal growth

    Good or bad luck?

    “Victory awaits him who has everything in order — luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck.” ~Roald Amundsen Today’s quote is a handy piece of advice from the famed Norwegian polar explorer who led the first expedition to the South Pole in 1911. Amundsen understood that success isn’t a whim of fate or chance. It’s as foolish to rely on “good luck” as it is to blame all our missteps and failures on “bad luck.” If we anticipate the pros and cons, devise a plan, and map out our own course, we’re more…

  • Adventure and exploration,  Aging well,  Personal growth

    Embrace your age

    “Every year brings you closer to expressing your whole and healed self. I celebrate that. Honor it. Hold it in reverence. And I’m grateful for every age I’m blessed to become.” ~Oprah Winfrey The key phrase in today’s quote from Oprah is “your whole and healed self.” All of us suffer deep emotional wounds throughout our lives. Nobody leaves this world unscratched. One of the gifts of aging is the informed perspective we earn from years of experience. And how well we age depends on our attitude as well as the choices we make. We can dwell on the past and rehash our list of regrets; or we can move…

  • Adventure and exploration,  Aging well,  Change and challenge

    Who’s in the driver’s seat?

    “I don’t want to be a passenger in my own life.” ~Diane Ackerman I love driving on the expressway, especially on beautiful summer days. When I’m heading north, for instance, I often recall my childhood vacations. My father always drove on those trips — Mom was always a passenger — and I had the back seat to myself. I loved watching the landscape change as we escaped the cities and suburbs. Metaphorically speaking, sometimes it’s nice to let go and let someone else do the driving. Sometimes we just want to sit back, roll down the windows, and enjoy the ride. And there’s nothing wrong with that — unless we’re…

  • Adventure and exploration,  Art & Creativity,  Personal growth

    Different gifts

    “We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of saying to the world who we are.” ~Fred Rogers Personal expression is one of the most fascinating aspects of being human. Some people share their creativity through cooking and serving meals, while others show their hearts in poems and stories. Still others express themselves through music, fashion, pottery, needlework, photography, gardening, or watercolor painting. As Mister Rogers reminded us, everyone has “different gifts.” Celebrate your own talents today — and take a moment to appreciate the talents of others in your life. ~CL
