Good company
Books are always good company if you have the right sort.” ~Louisa May Alcott
Have you tried bibliotherapy? Yes, it’s a real thing. According to Psychology Today, bibliotherapy is defined as “a therapeutic approach employing books and other forms of literature, typically alongside more traditional therapy modalities, to support a patient’s mental health.”
Though I’ve never had a guided session, I’ve practiced bibliotherapy at home for years. Whenever I need comfort or inspiration, I reread a few favorite authors who lift my spirits, ease my anxieties, or help me stay grounded. Lately I find myself turning to their books more often, like trusted friends. Some are works of fiction; a few are inspirational non-fiction guides. All have a treasured place on my bookshelf.
Goodreads has a list of readers’ favorite books for reducing anxiety and coping with a variety of difficult situations. You can read the list here. ~CL