Are you really listening?
“It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Some folks are always thinking about what they want to say next — and not really listening to others. I notice this often on talks shows and discussion panels, and I’ve experienced it myself in daily conversations.
Listening is an unsung, unspoken skill — and we can learn from those who do it well.
Attentive listeners silence their own egos. They don’t try to hijack or dominate a conversation, and they don’t try to “top” anything you’ve just said. They ask thoughtful follow-up questions after you’ve had your say, and even remember details that you’ve shared previously. Careful listening leads to stronger relationships and a better understanding of everyone we encounter. ~CL
If you missed my newspaper column “The Gift of Gab: Learning How to Talk to Each Other Again,” you can read it online here. ~CL
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