Anniversary musings
“When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche
Last month, Doug and I celebrated our 42nd anniversary. During a celebratory dinner at a local restaurant, our server asked us if we’d share the secrets of a long and happy partnership. She was living with her boyfriend, she said, and wasn’t sure about their future together.
Doug and I assured her that the success of a marriage depends on the couple — and every couple is different, of course. For us, shared values and interests are essential, for starters. But the most important thing, in our view, is liking each other as much as loving each other. You’ve got to enjoy each other’s company.
As today’s quote suggests, friendship is the foundation of a solid marriage. If your spouse or partner is your best friend, put that at the top of your gratitude list along with your years together. ~Cindy La Ferle