The hero on your journey
“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” ~Joseph Campbell
Mythologist Joseph Campbell believed that everyone’s life is a “Hero’s Journey.” Along the way, there are metaphorical dragons to face. We each encounter life-changing challenges or setbacks (sometimes other people) that stand in our way. And while we rarely realize it until later, our biggest challenges and darkest moments contain the greatest lessons.
For starters, there was the time I had both hips replaced within five months, in my forties, after a crippling battle with osteoarthritis. Though my surgical recovery took a while, I learned a lot about myself in the process. Learning to walk pain-free again, I gained a sense of accomplishment — and never took my mobility for granted again. What challenges have made you stronger on your journey? What experiences helped you recover “the treasures” of your life? ~CL
Photo of Cranbrook House Gardens by Cindy La Ferle