Notes to yourself
“Sit back and reflect, and you’ll see things differently. Don’t buy into someone’s dream when you have your own dreams to bring to fruition. Love who you are and what you can do.” ~Horoscope for Leo (21st Century Media), August 16
Are you following your own script … or someone else’s? Do you design your life around your own vision, or what the culture expects of you? I don’t usually quote daily horoscopes from the newspaper, but this one was worth revisiting.
Sometimes the best plan of action is to “sit back and reflect” on what you’re trying to accomplish. Jot down a few notes while you’re at it. This coincides with an article I read recently on the importance of creating a personal mission statement that defines your life purpose. If you had to write a mission statement right now, what would it say? Sit back and reflect on it. ~CL
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