Summer sunsets
“Sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful, but because they are fleeting.” ~Richard Paul Evans
One of my favorite summer rituals is watching the sun set on Lake Michigan. To fully appreciate a sunset, you have to pause on the beach to admire the fiery color show — and stay long enough to see the sun disappear below the horizon.
Sunsets inspire all of us to be fully present, to savor the moment. As other beachcombers gather to watch and applaud the spectacle, there’s a brief but lovely sense of community. Sometimes I’m moved to tears.
As today’s quote reminds us, summertime passes quickly. We can’t do anything to change that, but we can appreciate the time we have — and never take the season for granted. ~CL
To read a Michigan BLUE essay inspired by my summer visits to Lake Michigan, please click here.