Are you feeling stuck?
“You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety.” ~Abraham Maslow
This is the time of year when we’re most likely to feel stagnant or mired in routine. The calendar tells us it’s spring, but the weather isn’t cooperating yet.
Cabin fever aside, we can feel stuck any time of the year. For instance, we might keep making the same recipes for dinner because we’re not inspired to find new ones. Or we might feel stuck in the house when we can’t summon the energy to initiate plans with friends. Likewise, we can feel stuck if we don’t speak our minds because we’d rather appear “nice” and avoid conflict. And on it goes.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow, who famously explored and named the concept of self-actualization, reminds us in today’s quote that we can’t move forward when we cling to the familiarity of safe routines and familiar ways. That’s where our challenge begins. ~CL
***Next week I’ll be starting a new series of (free) weekly political columns on Substack. Those who’ve expressed interest will receive a link to my Substack newsletter with subscriber info.