When it’s all too much
“If you feel too much, there’s still a place for you. If you feel too much, don’t go. If this world is too painful, stop and rest. It’s OK to stop and rest. If you need a break, it’s OK to say you need a break.” ~Jamie Tworkowski
It’s probably safe to say you’re hyper-aware of what’s going on in our country. I’ve always accepted the fact that change is cyclical and inevitable; but I’ve never adapted easily to chaos. The rapid-fire onslaught of our daily news cycle (I call it “Shock and Gawk”) is fraying my nerves and bringing out the worst in me. Lately I’ve been waking up stressed, short-tempered, resentful and exhausted.
Those with opposing views think I should calm down and chill out. A well-meaning friend even suggested that I wouldn’t worry as much if I didn’t stay so informed. (But you’ll never convince me that ignorance is bliss.) So, I’ll paraphrase a favorite line from Louis C.K. that goes something like this: When I tell you that I’m hurting or worried, you don’t get to decide that I shouldn’t be. Nobody else gets to decide how anyone feels.
For now, I need time off to reconnect with my better angels. With apologies, I’ve been struggling to find the positive energy I need to write the encouraging posts you deserve and expect from “Life Lines.” While I take a break, I invite you to explore the full “Life Lines” site on your browser, which shows many additional features and articles that aren’t included in your email subscription. Most of all, I hope that you, too, will find ways to nourish your soul if the world is too painful and you’re feeling “too much.” ~CL