The light of gratitude
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” ~Albert Schweitzer
The gratitude list is a tool I often promote in the workshops I coach, whether we use it as a writing prompt or a personal growth exercise. And I try to practice what I preach. One of my favorite exercises is to jot down the names of everyone, past and present, who has made a difference in my life.
The medical doctors who’ve taken care of my family and me are at the top of my list. That list covers decades of compassionate intervention and includes the pediatrician who saved my infant son from a life-threatening illness when he was three weeks old; the orthopedic surgeon who made it possible for me to walk pain-free again; and the veterinarians who’ve supervised Coco’s recovery after she was hit by a car last month. My life wouldn’t be the same without those doctors. And that’s just a sampling of the many wonderful people on my gratitude list.
Was there someone who helped you out when you were in trouble? Did a mentor inspire your career or boost your success? Who restores your spirit and lights up your life when you’re in the dark? ~CL