The gift of quiet time
“There’s no such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day.” ~Alexander Woollcott
The month of December includes several family birthdays and holiday events, so most days on our calendar are typically marked with things to do. But our dog Coco was hit by a car before Thanksgiving, so this season has been different. To ensure Coco’s recovery, we’ve had to cancel a few plans, stick close to home, and keep our outings short.
It might seem anti-social (or boring) to some, but I love seeing blank spaces on my calendar. It’s not that I don’t look forward to gathering with family and friends. But I have to admit that sometimes “quiet time” feels like a luxury — an opportunity for guilt-free puttering, reading, reflecting, and collecting my wits.
Commitments, special events, and deadlines give everyone a sense of purpose and direction. And some folks believe that a jam-packed schedule affirms their popularity. But an overbooked calendar can be stressful, too.
Sometimes a day of “nothing to do” is a gift to unwrap and enjoy at your own pace. How do you feel about blank spaces on your calendar? Are you thrilled or panicked at the thought of having fewer obligations? ~CL