Making choices
“Remember that you have more control over your emotional and physical health than your frightened mind would have you believe. You choose what you eat, how frequently you move your body, how lovingly you speak to yourself, and what you will and will not allow into your eyes and ears. Be very, very picky.” ~Cheryl Richardson
I always feel my best when I remember that I have the power to create the changes I want to see in myself. For instance, I can make healthy choices at the grocery store or when I’m eating in a restaurant. Nobody is forcing me to order beer and French fries.
The same is true of my emotional wellbeing. What I choose to dwell on can make or break my day. I can avoid the nonstop cycle of news shows and social media posts that provoke my anger, frustration or anxiety.
Today’s quote asks us to question ourselves: Who’s in control here? How do we want to feel? We are more powerful than we think we are. ~CL