Stop the insults
“Dismiss whatever insults your own soul.” ~Walt Whitman
Today’s advice from Walt Whitman got me thinking about things that “insult my soul” and make me cringe. Topping my list are filthy bathrooms in restaurants — right up there with certain vulgar and obnoxious political candidates.
There are dozens of other odious behaviors that some of us cling to, or tolerate, even when they’re long past their expiration dates. Maybe we practice habits that harm our health. Maybe we allow people to disrespect us, or take us for granted — just because that’s the way they always roll. Maybe we keep ruminating on old emotional pain or anger. Maybe we keep settling for less.
Years ago, when Victoria magazine was introduced, the editor gave it a subtitle: A Return to Loveliness. This guided Victoria’s lifestyle content, and has since become a guidepost for my own choices — including how I want to treat others and how I want to be treated. Along those lines, what would happen if we’d all stop allowing ourselves to be insulted, as Whitman suggests? What if we were to seek out people and things to thrill and delight us instead? ~CL