Social studies
“The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.” ~Esther Perel, author and psychotherapist
Are you looking for ways to increase your longevity? Gathering with good friends on a regular basis should be part of your lifestyle plan. Medical experts report that people who socialize regularly are healthier — both mentally and physically. Loneliness can actually shorten your lifespan.
That said, keep in mind that difficult or unfulfilling relationships are harmful to your wellbeing — and there’s plenty of research to support the fact.
“Relationships that are defined by drama and conflicts all can add a boat-load of stress to daily life,” explains Frank Lipman, M.D. What’s the remedy? “Whenever and wherever practicable, withdraw your energy from these toxic relationships and spend more time building up the positive ones,” he prescribes.
Dr. Lipman provides practical tips on expanding healthy social circles In “The 7 Ways Positive Relationships Support a Healthy Brain, Heart and Life.” You can read the article online here. ~CL
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