There’s a word for it
“When we love someone, we share things with words. We share poems. We share songs. We share our favorite books. Because if we can make enough language bridges between the two of us, our hearts and minds will begin to know each other better.” ~Martha Beck
Cleaning out my desk recently, I ran across several folders stuffed with old greeting cards, notes, and letters from friends and family. There were Mother’s Day tributes from my son; letters of comfort sent after my mother died; anniversary cards and valentines from my husband; thank-you notes from old and new friends. Another file contained encouraging letters from readers of my early newspaper columns.
Years later, I’m grateful for each thoughtful note or card that someone took the time to write and mail. And unlike my countless, deletable text messages, I still can’t bring myself to discard them.
On darker days, I tend to ruminate on the negative things people have said or done — even though I know better. But that collection of beautiful cards and notes lifted my spirits while underscoring the power of heartfelt language. As today’s quote suggests, words can strengthen our relationships and build a bridge between us. ~CL

Sheryl Kraft
Beautiful reminder to go back and revisit words that are so comforting, heartfelt and authentic. I, too, save special cards and notes, and visiting them every once in a while remihnds me of all the good in people.
Cindy La Ferle
Thank you, Sheryl!