• Adventure and exploration,  Art & Creativity,  Personal growth

    Different gifts

    “We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of saying to the world who we are.” ~Fred Rogers Personal expression is one of the most fascinating aspects of being human. Some people share their creativity through cooking and serving meals, while others show their hearts in poems and stories. Still others express themselves through music, fashion, pottery, needlework, photography, gardening, or watercolor painting. As Mister Rogers reminded us, everyone has “different gifts.” Celebrate your own talents today — and take a moment to appreciate the talents of others in your life. ~CL

  • Adventure and exploration,  Health & wellbeing,  Personal growth

    Surf’s up

    “While you are riding the wave, just put your best self out there and enjoy it.” ~Frieda Pinto My son has told me that I tend to “overthink” things. I like to believe this trait is part of being a writer — but I’ll admit that focusing on what could possibly go wrong can be a tiresome habit in daily life. Even when there’s nothing to worry about, I don’t always trust my good fortune or my good luck. I wait for the other metaphorical shoe to drop. Psychologists call it “anticipatory anxiety.” Today’s quote is a perfect reminder for over-thinkers like me. When life is going well, the smartest…

  • Adventure and exploration,  approval seeking

    Your own footsteps

    “It’s not your job to curb or contain yourself in order to become someone else’s idea of a worthwhile human being. You are amazingly worthwhile and capable right now. Not because other people think you are, but because you are in full control of the next step you take.” ~Marc and Angel Chernoff When I was in college, a couple of my professors and an advisor suggested law school after graduation. Becoming a lawyer was a more dependable and lucrative path for my writing and communication skills, they said. Or at least it was more lucrative than working as a journalist or freelance writer. But practicing law wasn’t my career…

  • Change and challenge,  Kindness quotes

    Love is as love does

    “The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Several years ago, I was knee-deep in the stress of caring for my elderly mother when I had to undergo a difficult, seven-hour cancer surgery on my face. The day after my surgery, my mother fell, broke her ankle, and was sent to the ER. As my mother’s only child, I had to rush to the hospital to manage her care — despite the fact that I was supposed to be resting at home with my surgical wound. It was one of those rare moments in my life when I actually felt…

  • Friendship and relationship advice,  Parenting advice,  Where I'm published

    A short survival guide for grads

    At commencement you wear your square-shaped mortarboards. My hope is that from time to time you will let your minds be bold, and wear sombreros.” ~Paul Freund Like most moms, I spent years lecturing my child on the importance of working hard, eating healthy meals, writing thank-you notes, and ironing his dress shirts. But I neglected to impart other nuggets of wisdom along the way. As my dad used to say, earning good grades is important, but learning how to get along with people is even more important. That’s why I wrote the following list of graduation “survival tips” and shared them in my local newspaper column before my son…
