• Aging well,  Friendship and relationship advice

    No regrets

    “Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely.” ~Haruki Murakami  At dinner last night, a neighbor texted to tell me that the husband of a former neighbor had died suddenly. The man was only in his sixties, and his death was one of several losses in our neighborhood over the past year. We’re reminded, at times like these, to treat each other with care, sensitivity, and respect. And no matter how old we are, we can start by setting aside our pride (or grievances) and telling our loved ones how much they…

  • approval seeking,  Health & wellbeing,  Personal growth

    Asserting vs bullying

    “The practice of assertiveness: being authentic in our dealings with others; treating people with respect in social contexts; refusing to fake the reality of who we are or what we esteem in order to avoid disapproval; the willingness to stand up for ourselves and our ideas in appropriate ways, in appropriate contexts.” ~ Nathaniel Branden, psychologist While most of us understand the concept, “assertiveness” isn’t always easy to practice. For some of us, being assertive can feel uncomfortable — even when it means standing up for ourselves or asking for what we deserve. On the other hand, sometimes we allow others to bully us or take advantage of our generosity.…

  • Inspirational quotes,  Optimism,  Personal growth

    Looking for happiness?

    “Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention.” ~Greg Anderson As today’s quote reminds us, the real secret to happiness is linked to what we choose to dwell on. Most of us have a lot to be grateful for, and most of our worries are within our control. So, when we look around — even in trying times — we’ll still find an abundance of good things to celebrate. What bright spots of happiness will you focus on today? ~CL Above photo: outside a clothing boutique in Saugatuck, MI

  • Domestic arts,  Gardening,  Personal growth

    A garden-variety mood booster

    “Many of us feel stressed and overwhelmed not because we’re taking on too much, but too little of what strengthens us.” ~Marcus Buckingham This week I spent several hours at plant nurseries, comparing the various selections of herbs, annuals, and perennials. As always, the fresh scents and colors of new plants lifted my spirits and filled my head with new landscaping ideas. I’ve learned over the years that gardening is a balm for my soul. There’s something deeply satisfying about caring for plants, whether you’re tending a small bed of annuals or a prolific vegetable garden. At the same time, beautifying your property can be a source of pride —…

  • Creativity and discovery,  Motivation,  Writing advice

    Living your dreams or fears?

    “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” ~Les Brown I met a student who said she wanted to publish a novel but couldn’t find the space in her life to begin it. For starters, she didn’t think she could write without a home office. She wasn’t comfortable typing on the dining room table. Or the kitchen table. Or anywhere else in the house, really. But it wasn’t the interior design of her home that blocked the woman’s dreams of writing. It was fear. Fear is a manipulative trickster. It makes excuses for procrastination; it tells us we’re not good enough; it convinces…
