Writing to heal
“To survive trauma, one must be able to tell a story about it.” ~Natasha Trethewey
When I was 38, the sudden death of my father shook me to the core. In my forties, while trying to work and raise a child, I was struck with a debilitating case of arthritis, which led to two total hip replacement surgeries and months of physical therapy. At age 60, I lost my mother to heart disease and dementia. Though very different, each of those experiences altered the course of my life.
Along the way, I learned that writing about my losses and challenges paved the way to emotional healing. Best of all, teaching writing workshops has given me some wonderful opportunities to share this process with others on similar paths.
This Thursday, April 11, I’ll be leading my “Writing Your Life” workshop at the Royal Oak Public Library. Whether you need inspiration for personal essays or you want to find deeper ways to heal through the writing process, this basic workshop will help you get started.
“Writing Your Life” is free to the public and you can register on the ROPL website. Additional details are included here: https://royaloak.librarycalendar.com/event/writing-your-life-personal-essay-workshop-282