Every age you’ve ever been
“The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been….Because I was once a child, I am always a child. Because I was once a searching adolescent, given to moods and ecstasies, these are still part of me, and always will be.” ~Madeleine L’Engle
One of the perks of my monthly “Aging with Grace” workshop is the sense of validation I get from the other women in the group. Through our discussions over the past couple of years, I’ve discovered that I’m not alone with my age-related fears, dreams, or aspirations. In a recent conversation, one of the women admitted that she still feels like the same person she was in her youth — which reminded me of today’s quote from author Madeleine L’Engle. Everyone quickly agreed that we each carry all the ages we’ve ever been inside us — even though our appearance has changed.
Imagine what you’d say if you had an opportunity to gather at a table, face to face, with the various “selves” you’ve been at different ages. What would you tell them? What advice, warning, or validation would you give your younger selves?