Small changes
“Few of us will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” ~John F. Kennedy
Sometimes I’m completely stalled by the notion that I’d have to make a huge effort in order to make a change in this troubled world of ours. It’s so much easier to sit in front of the TV or my computer monitor while I criticize the current state of politics or complain about everything else that’s gone very wrong.
But as today’s quote reminds us, each of us has a sphere of influence or a place in our own community. And no matter how small that place is, any positive effort we make will have a ripple effect.
Is there a friend, neighbor, or family member who could use a helping hand or a listening ear? Can you bake cookies for someone who’s feeling down? Is there a local cause that could use a new volunteer? What will you do to make things brighter or better for someone you know today? ~CL
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One Comment
Sheryl Kraft
A very good reminder that we are not powerless. Small favors do go a long way. Thank you!