“Sincerity is an openness of heart. We find it in very few people. What we often see is only an artful pretense to win the confidence of others.” ~La Rochefoucauld, French philosopher
There was a time when the phrase “I love you” was almost sacred. We saved it for rare and precious moments with lovers, spouses, our kids, and our closest friends. Today, “I love you” (or the Hollywood style, “Love you!”) is tossed around casually in text messages or shouted across parking lots and other public places — even to folks who haven’t fully earned our complete devotion.
Love for humanity is a wonderful thing, and yes, sincere affection should be shared. But I’ve always felt that “I love you” should be reserved for a few dear ones who hold a very special place in my heart. Like anything else that’s repeated so often that it becomes a cliche, “I love you” is losing its sincerity. Now we have to work harder to prove that we really mean it …. when we do. ~CL