How to conquer stress
“The truth is that stress doesn’t come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about your circumstances.” ~Andrew Bernstein
Change your thoughts, change your life. It’s a timeworn catchphrase, often overused by self-help authors, celebrity psychologists, and motivational speakers. But like every catchphrase, it contains a grain of truth.
It’s easier to blame outside sources for everything that’s going wrong. But like it or not, you alone are individually responsible for resolving your inner turmoil.
Every person on earth faces health crises, job changes, painful losses, and road blocks. How you view your own — and how you view yourself — has a direct impact on your well-being. Do you see yourself as capable of resolving problems? Or powerless and victimized? You can choose how to meet every challenge you encounter in the school of life. ~CL

Rick Smith
This is a good one Cindy.
Cindy La Ferle
Thank you, Rick!