Deep thoughts, tough questions
“To find yourself, think for yourself.” ~Socrates
The simplest truths are rarely as simple as they seem. Today’s quote from the philosopher Socrates is a case in point. “Thinking for yourself” gets tricky when you’re under the influence of family and friends, popular culture, cable news, and social media. There’s always a cacophony of voices sharing different views on everything from business to fashion to politics.
You can try to find the courage to go deeper. Then you have to ask yourself some tough questions: Am I following my own heart or trying to fit in? Am I rebelling against something or living authentically on my own terms? How and where did I acquire my strongest opinions? When in doubt, how do I research and uncover the truth? Are my beliefs and choices really my own? Am I re-spinning a “brand” that I’ve borrowed from someone else? ~CL

Rick Smith
Good one Cindy and nice photo.
Cindy La Ferle
Thank you so much, Rick! Happy New Year!