Things are looking up
Everyone I know has at least one ongoing problem or nagging issue that defies resolution, whether it’s chronic physical pain, a career crisis, or a social conflict that’s a chronic pain in the ass. It’s hard to make peace with something that you can’t make peace with, no matter how hard you try. Today’s quote is a perfect reminder to step back and enjoy the weekend without giving a thought to the annoyances and grievances that will be there on Monday. ~CL
September and transitions
“It is when we are in transition that we are most completely alive.” – William Bridges September is a month of transitions. A new school year begins; summer activities wind down. As the light changes and temperatures drop, we prepare our homes and gardens for winter. We begin to stock the pantry with everything we need for cool-weather comfort recipes. In one of my workshops, a woman remarked about the bittersweet aspects of autumn. She feels a little sad when fall comes, she said, despite the colorful beauty of the season. I knew exactly what she meant. A reminder of our own aging, late September prepares us for the changes…
A no-regrets guide to caregiving
“There are only four kinds of people in the world: Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.” ~Rosalyn Carter As our loved ones age — and as we age — caregiving becomes a reality we must face, one way or another. I learned during the first year of my widowed mother’s illness that caregiving duties can take a toll on you, especially if you’re not prepared. Written in retrospect, my “No-regrets Guide to Caregiving” appears this week online in The Oakland Press, and in the September print issue of Vitality. You can read it here.…
The right note
“If you hit a wrong note, it’s the next note that you play that determines if it’s good or bad.” ~Miles Davis The arts have so many lessons to teach us, which is why I’ve always been grateful for my liberal arts education. Whether you study literature, philosophy, or art history, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of human nature that will serve you in countless ways throughout your life. Along these lines, if you’ve ever taken art or music lessons, you know that practicing the craft is the only way to master it. As Miles Davis reminds us in today’s quote, a wrong note — or a misstep — is…
How Karma works
“We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold toward them.” ~Elbert Hubbard We’ve all met people we don’t like. Sometimes our dislike stems from a series of hurtful, negative experiences. And other times it simply boils down to bad chemistry or a personality clash. In any event, people usually “sense” when we don’t care for them — even when we try to pretend otherwise. Not surprisingly, those feelings are reciprocated, and the distance between us grows. On the other hand, if we have positive, loving feelings toward someone, they’ll feel the love too. Consider the folks whose affection for you is enthusiastic and unconditional — the ones…