What will you tolerate?
“I have insecurities and flaws, of course, but I don’t hang out with anyone who points them out to me.” ~Adele Growing up, I was lucky to have a family who believed in positive reinforcement. They encouraged my interests and were generous with praise and compliments. Their interpretation of the Golden Rule still resonates: “Be kind, respectful, and treat other people the way you want to be treated.“ I quickly learned that not everyone was raised with the same operating instructions. It took me a while to develop a thicker skin — especially when I was the target of rude, insensitive, or otherwise unkind remarks or behavior. Today, I won’t…
Hit the reset button
“I need to take an emotional breath, step back, and remind myself who’s actually in charge of my life.” ~Judith M. Knowlton How many times have you suddenly realized you’re following patterns or routines that worked for a while, but aren’t serving you anymore? As creatures of habit, we tend to stay on the same beaten path, rarely stepping away from our comfort zone. We might keep buying the same brand of coffee, hanging out with the same people, walking the same route with the dog … or continually putting up with the same negative or disrespectful treatment from others. So maybe it’s time to shake things up. Time to…
“But oh! the blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly on any subject; with whom one’s deepest as well as one’s most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely.” ~Dinah Craik, British novelist It’s always wise to weigh our words carefully before we speak. We don’t want to spread harmful gossip. We don’t want hurt or offend anyone. And given today’s volatile political climate, most of us wisely avoid discussing hot-button topics when we’re unsure of someone else’s viewpoints. That said, I was thinking recently about the gift of knowing a few trusted friends with whom I can speak freely about any topic. When…
Your grass is green enough
“Get busy taking care of your own grass, and you won’t notice whether it’s greener elsewhere.” ~Karon Waddell Whenever I’m fully engaged in my own life, I’m practically oblivious to what’s going on around me. Some psychologists refer to this state as being in the flow. Whatever it’s called, I’m happiest when I’m focusing on my own stuff — and free of competitive impulses. Jealousy and envy tend to sprout when we’ve lost confidence in our own abilities and gifts. That’s when we look over our shoulders to see what others have. That’s when we start comparing ourselves and feeling “less than” — even when we shouldn’t. The remedy? Be too…
Illuminate the ordinary
“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.” ~Henry David Thoreau Sometimes we’re so focused on preparing for a vacation — or any special occasion — that we forget to celebrate the “ordinary” day we’re experiencing right now. And then we wonder why we feel such a letdown after an event is over. Life is so much more than a series of special events and high expectations. In today’s quote, Thoreau suggests that we have the power to transform our ordinary days into something more beautiful. We can start by appreciating what’s around us, and then look for opportunities to brighten the day for someone…