Listening is a healing art
“People start to heal the moment they feel heard.” ~Cheryl Richardson
I felt totally unmoored when my primary care physician announced his retirement last year. For more than 25 years, Dr. Paul managed my healthcare and provided first-rate referrals to the specialists I needed, including the orthopedic surgeon who replaced both of my hips. Most of all, my good doctor listened with care. He took my concerns seriously.
Luckily, my new primary care doctor is a compassionate listener too. Though I’m new to her practice, I’m pleased with the relationship we’re building.
Likewise, I appreciate those rare friends and family members who listen deeply. As Cheryl Richardson suggests in today’s quote, people want to be heard and affirmed — not just amused, entertained, lectured, or impressed. Listening mends the soul. Who are the people you can count on to listen to you? ~CL