Is anybody having fun yet?
“We all accept too easily that life has to be hard, and we forget to make sure we have the most fun we can.” ~Amy Schumer
Remember when you were a kid and having fun was a top priority? As we mature, we settle down and become responsible. We have to earn a living, take care of our basic needs, plan for the future, and periodically solve problems and put out a few fires.
Somewhere along the way, the whole world starts looking darker and more complex, and we lose our joie de vivre. And we forget how to play. Or let me put it this way: The grown-up definition of play usually involves elaborate sports equipment or a costly seat in a stadium. Adults often forget that pure, basic fun doesn’t have to cost a lot of cash, nor does it have to be brutally competitive.
Spending time with my grandchild always reminds me that play is a fundamental part of being human — and having fun is never a waste of time. What are you doing to enjoy yourself this week? ~CL