Back in the flow
“It can be tempting to prolong certain agonies. There’s the sympathy vote to start with, and if you haven’t felt well or you’ve been through a difficult period, you certainly can’t be expected to work full days or do your own laundry. But bouncing back as soon as you’re able means getting back into the stream of life. This is where the opportunity is.” ~Victoria Moran
We all have different ways of coping. During periods of grief or illness, I tend to nurse my deepest wounds by myself. When I’m really down, I decline activities or events that usually spark joy for me — because I hate to dump my blues on others.
But some folks prefer to share their misery, winning “the sympathy vote,” as Victoria Moran suggests in today’s quote. Maybe that’s better than hiding their pain from public view?
Whatever it takes, we all have to bounce back. The “stream of life” is moving forward, and it’s not waiting for us to get back into the flow. ~CL