Traditions to count on
“Traditions underscore our relationship to a greater whole. Then, instead of being isolated in time and space, we’re engaged with our clan or community, even with humanity as a whole….Once an activity achieves tradition status, it’s dependable. You can count on it. In a world of diminishing dependability, this is precious indeed.” ~Victoria Moran, Younger by the Day
There’s comfort in having rituals and traditions, small or large. It doesn’t matter which holiday we’re talking about — it’s the special activities you count on that make it a celebration.
Every year in the fall, for instance, I look forward to hosting a Halloween costume party for a group of neighborhood friends. Most of these women are busy (or out of town) during the Christmas season, so late October is a good time to host them. My crazy Halloween soiree has become something we count on.
At Christmastime, Doug always banks our fireplace mantel with an arrangement of lights and wintergreens, and I love using my grandmother’s best china when we entertain during the winter holidays. During the Covid-19 lockdown, Doug and I ate our carry-out Christmas Eve dinner on Granny’s china — even though it was just the two of us.
While you’re preparing for your Thanksgiving feast next week, think of all the traditions you practice throughout the year, and consider what they mean to you. ~Cindy La Ferle