Book banning
“Ideas are only lethal if you suppress and don’t discuss them. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s stupid. Banning books shows you don’t trust your kids to think and you don’t trust yourself to be able to talk to them.” ~Anna Quindlen
Last night, I had the pleasure of working at one of my favorite local libraries. Before my class started, I enjoyed a quiet moment, browsing the shelves and absorbing the ambiance created by so many literary choices. And then I thought about all the recent talk on TV about book banning.
As my mother used to say, you can make just about anything twice as attractive or interesting by declaring it “off limits.” And that’s not the only reason why banning books is a ridiculous waste of time.
Of course, it’s necessary to ensure that the books our children read are age-appropriate. It’s our responsibility as adults to help them make choices, and to supply them with as much good reading material as we can find. Most important of all, we need to be available for discussion and guidance. Which is why I love what Anna Quindlen says about trusting our kids — and ourselves. ~Cindy La Ferle