• Personal growth,  Royal Oak Public Library,  Writing and creativity workshops

    “List Your Way to Self-Discovery” Workshop

    “Listmaking is the road from unknowing to knowing. No guru necessary. No therapist. No special diet. No need to suffer. Memories deep in your consciousness will emerge to fill in the blanks.” ~Ilene Segalove and Paul Bob Velick, List Your Self: Listmaking as the Way to Self-Discovery “LIST YOUR WAY TO SELF-DISCOVERY” October 5, 2022  7:00 PM – 8:30 PM at the Royal Oak Public Library – Friends Auditorium Everyone makes grocery lists and “to-do” lists. But did you know that other types of list-making can boost your mental health and improve life satisfaction? Personal lists can serve as tools to empower and understand yourself, help solve problems, and even…

  • Friendship and relationship advice,  Gratitude

    Meaningful gifts

    “Gratitude is an emotion that reflects our deep appreciation for what we value, what brings meaning to our lives, and what makes us feel connected to ourselves and others.” ~Brene Brown, Atlas of the Heart My nesting instincts always kick in this time of year. This month, I’m motivated to move furniture, reorganize my shelves, and donate old books to the library. Though it sounds like work, early fall cleaning makes me appreciate the seasonal changes — and the treasures in my home. The salt-glaze pottery shown in today’s photo is one example. It was a gift from my college pal, Libby, who moved to Virginia after graduation. I still…

  • Grief and loss,  Motherhood,  Photo stories

    September memories of Mom

    “There’s a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story, because hers is where yours begin.” ~Mitch Albom, One More Day September is a bittersweet month — a month of longer shadows, golden light, shorter evenings, and rich, poignant sunsets. It’s the month when cottages are closed for the summer, school resumes, sweaters are pulled from storage, and autumn officially begins. In a way that only September can do, it feels like both a beginning and an ending. September 20…

  • Friendship and relationship advice,  Photo stories,  reciprocation,  relationships

    The right balance

     “Good relationships are built on mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual effort.” ~Mona Sutphen Friendship experts suggest that “imbalance” is often at the root of relationship trouble. If a relationship feels off, it helps to consider what could be out of balance. Am I talking more than listening? Do I take more than I give? Am I initiating social activities or just waiting for someone to call me? Do I compromise or insist on controlling things? We all have times when we fall short of being present in the ways people need us. Then again, sometimes we expect more than others are able to give us. All said and done,…

  • Aging well,  Nature,  Personal growth


    “Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.” ~Angel Chernoff, Marc & Angel Hack Life Nature has a way of reminding us of who’s in control. Here in southeast Michigan, most of us can recall storms that left us without electricity for days. And in many other parts of the country, major storms have totally devastated the landscape and destroyed homes. Career changes, relationship conflicts, and health crises can also throw us off course or uproot our lives. But as today’s quote suggests, sometimes storms “clear the path” and change things for the better — even though we don’t realize it until we look…