How do we look?
“Ten years from now it won’t really matter what shoes you wore today, how your hair looked, or what brand of jeans you bought. What will matter is how you thought about yourself, how you lived, what you learned, and where you applied this knowledge.” ~Marc and Angel Chernoff, Marc & Angel Hack Life
Everywhere I look, I see ads for products that promise to erase wrinkles, hide age spots, and make me look 10 years younger. Several of my girlfriends have found the courage to let their hair go gray — and they look beautiful — but I haven’t mustered the courage to do the same.
It’s human nature to want to look our best. But as today’s quote suggests, maybe we all worry too much about how we look and too little about how we think. All said and done, each of us can leave a powerful legacy — a legacy that has little to do with our physical appearance. Maybe we can set a better example for the next generation? ~CL
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